Tuesday, April 28, 2009

有时候真的觉得, 当初为何要开始, 搞到现在这么难堪, 这么矛盾.
想念是一回事, 想拥有又是另一回事.
目前我没抱这任何希望, 只想每天看见你的一笑, 已让我心满意足.

我不是在报怨,报怨为什么原本完好无缺的一份感情, 会轮落到这种地步.
出了什么事? 我也不知道.
只记得我们起初的亲密, 都在一瞬间消失了.

但... 可能吗?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

It has been a long, long time... I've been so busy, or rather sometimes I just chose to ignore my urge to blog as I was really lazy.

So many things had happened, and I don't think I have the memory to account for each and every one of them.

You know, sometimes I wonder why I've changed so much, as if I hadn't realized. I've changed to become so... critical. So mean, so selfish, so realistic, yet at the same time this day-dream part of me still remains. At times I curse and swear, at times I became so judgmental, at times I hate what people's doing when it doesn't even concerns me, and yet during these times I still wish some part of me belonged to... someone.

It's not easy to juggle all these at one go when I don't even know where did all these emotion surges come from. People around me, I know clearly they aren't the ones that's experiencing this... mutation of the mind, how you think and all. I am aware that I wasn't like that in the past. I wasn't the one who would hate someone so easily, who would say you're a bitch right in your damn face because I don't give a fucking damn for your feelings. I used to be able to put myself in the shoes of one else, what has happened to me now?

I used to think friends were my everything. They were, in fact, since I was in primary school. I had nothing, no brains, no looks, no figure, just plenty of friends. I was sociable, friendly, and I used to be the one who could tell at a single glance who's being left out in a clique. And now, I'm the one who's waiting for that another 'me' to appear.

I don't mind being the odd one out, sometimes I actually enjoy those moments of solitary. The fact that there's nobody to talk to, that don't bother me. I'm used to it. It isn't such a sad issue afterall, to think I'm already in my last year in secondary school. I don't hve to bother actually. All I have to do now is focus on my exams, get good grades, and mould my own future. Who's to interfere, who's to decide, but myself?

Yet, this part of me still misses you badly. Misses every bit we've spent together, those were the times. Yeah, those. They've drifted far, far away. To where, I dunno. Oblivion perhaps?

This blog can't be counted as one that records my most truthful feelings, although I wished it was, as there are certains things too sensitive to be mentioned. I'd love to, but I can't. The fact that I've always treated this blog as my confidante made me feel so guilty of retaining any congitations from her, although she's not even human. At least she knows how to... listen, which is something I've also realized that very few people can do.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why do I have to be so fucking sensitive towards every single thing around me?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

YAW PEOPLE I am so sorry for not updating. To be honest I miss blogging so much but I really hve no time. I am so so sorry and I'm now rushing the CME Project with Wenny so no time to waste, cya real soon I promise!

I'll be going to Malaysia from Friday to Sunday so I'll be back soon Blogger! I missed you! :)