Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Went to Vivocity with Herwen and Jooping today. Had a great time, thanks girls! :D
After hving lunch at LJS we walked around and settled down and the grand stand area or whatever you call that. First thing that caught our eye was this couple at the very top showing extremely hardcore PDA. It was a pretty good show for all to see HAHAHA as a audience I certainly enjoyed it LOL.
Anyw slacked there and talked, more like bitching around some issues and people in school WOOO had a great time. And sadly cause I've to be home before 5:30PM so we left Vivo at around 4:15 and trained home.

We didn't make her cry. I swear.

Can fight with those angmohs alr

So I'm now blogging away, its been so long since I blogged regularly actually...
I made a promise to my girls that I'll ask that question again on Prom. Sometimes its just not as easy as it seems, I've said it once and it was a setback; its hard to remain undeterred by disappointment and all. I won't say I miss you cause I bet you're sick of it already, I myself am too.
Sick of missing you, sick of this whole damn thing.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Today was the last day of my MYE and I hve no school until Thursday WOOOOOOOOOO
All those who still hve Physics, DNT and Biology TOO BAD ONLY ONE FREE DAY WE'VE GOT THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE lol ok shall stop being a bitch.

I was reading my older posts like really historic ones and omg I was such a desporado for some things that it looked as if I was a hooker in need of some hardcore sex or smth HAHAHA what kinda depiction is this. Anyw I'm not being embarrassed by what I wrote and how I felt in the past cause this is all part of my growing up. As time goes we'll look back and actually realized how much we've matured and all. :)

Alright now some issues at home no longer regarding mommy but that fucking maid who shouted at me the other day. Ok fine I admit she's not obliged to serve me cause my mom and I just came into this 'family' some years ago and we did not pay her to do chores for us but wait a minute. How can maids shout at... well, I dunno. Ok the situation went like that, my bro came into my room to borrow my phone charger and the plug was behind the door. Just coincidently she came upstairs and asked for him so I lied frivolously that I dunno where he went and he might hve went out so I'll tell her where he went after I called him later. Then my bro went downstairs and told her he was just behind my door and we lied to her for fun blahblahblah and I went down to the kitchen across the living room and she suddenly stomped towards me shouting, "Why you lie to me saying he went out!? He was in your room right!? Next time don't lie to me, I don't like!"
HAHAHAHA F YOU BITCH you dont like so what? Ok what I say might be going to initiate a human rights controversy but who cares! She pissed me off, and that's that.
She sounded like she's the head of the family. Oh puhleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, you're just a maid and you hve no rights to say whether you like smth or not cause you're hired to do chores so shut the fuck up and get back to work! Don't think just because you've been with their family for more than 12years mean you hve the authority to control us. I've been putting up with all your shoutings at the brothers, your damn laziness, everytime only know how to stay in the room and watch TV and guess what people: She even calls the brothers to keep the dishes for her and the younger brother to massage her back! OMG what kinda maid is this. And she shrinks in the presence of my stepdad. What a chicken. Ok maybe she watched them grow up and mommy's been speaking up for her saying that she's old (Damn she's 40plus and still a maid) and she has her own kids back in Philippines that's why she's such a control freak over the children but hey, you didnt watch me grow up so what the fuck do you understand about me? I don't need you to hve the slightest idea of what's on my mind anyw because it's of no use anyw.
Just found it really absurd how a maid can be so insolent. Nb.
Go back Philippines la, HAHAHA.

Oh my God I sounded like a bitch. My, that's bad. Sorry people but I'm just really pumped up with angst. And even my stepbro is pissed off with me. Great, just what I need in these times. THANK YOU. -.-

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ok people I know my blog is so fucking dead but who cares if nobody visits my blog? I read it myself then, lol so lonerzxzzzxzzzzxxzz.

Went out with Jooping and Herwen and omg I found my new gossip-crapola mates! Wooooooo this is gonna be fun. Went to LaiLai at Jurong Point to have our brunch and walked around JP, crapping and had so much fun. Made a date on Tuesday to hit the town looking our best. Gonna spam eyeliner hadnt touch it for so fking long man I miss my blue-black eyes HAHAHA

Also made a date with that fucker on wednesday, not disclosing where HA! Die also must go but hope it doesnt rain PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE if not it'll be so damn sad :(

And sometimes I wonder why I turn so vulgar in front of some of my friends, lol. So unglam, hope he doesnt have the chance to see it until we get married (just a note to signify that it'll never happen. Or will it? If it will then I WANT IT MAN!) HAHAHA so despo. Shrugs.

Hey, to you out there.
I know you know that I miss you so much but I know that you dont care and I've been trying so hard to forget you but it doesnt work a fucking little bit! And you know it's kinda frustrating to have your image popping in my mind like a faulty VCD player when I'm trying to do smth else more constructive than missing you when you dont even know, less to say do so too! I don't give a shit about 'I love you forever honey' (there's no forever so WAKE UP FROM YOUR DUMB DREAM AND GET PRAGMATIC PEOPLE) and 'If you love a person, seeling him/her happy will be enough and it's not necessary to possess him/her' --- OK I think that's seriously bullshit. If you love a girl/guy then go for it, what are you waiting for, Judgement Day? Sheesh, what are you people thinking! Ok fine I confessed to you and you avoiding me is the fruit I got for my 'valour' but nvm, things dont always go your way doesnt it? I dont know if youre reading this but I'm sick and tired of missing you all the time and going all nostalgic for our moments spent together. Forget them maybe, but they're too sweet and precious.
Oh damn it.
This is pissing me off big time.