Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here I am, finding myself blogging in the morning.
It's been quite some days before I touch the com again today, ever since it's been contaminated with filthy hands.
He blocked my IMEEM, like WHAT THE...
Is listening to music a crime too?
He's now controlling my access like how he controls his own kids' computer.
Come on, you're not my dad, what rights do you have?
Filthy, revolting old man.
Always trying to act nice by giving that fake smile.
Urgh, gotta erase his image outta my mind, if not I'll start to get really gore dreams.

Oh well, it's just a mere 6 days before my China Training Trip! :D
Okay, not so looking forward to it (when you have to go through hardcore training for a consecutive 6 days, now that's not very entertaining...), but yeah. I just wna get out of Singapore, out of this family, out of this whole place.
It's from 25/11 to 02/12.
And sadly I'll be missing my stepbro's birthday and Animal Planet's Day Out at the Singapore Zoo. :(
My favourite place, my favourite channel, all together in one place, one time.
How lucky is that.

I've got pretty much to talk about but I gotta rush,
meeting NBF at 12pm at Jurong East and yet I'm still at home, haven't bathe, haven't prepare. LOL.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Many things happened over this period of time.
Thanks to my stepfather, that son of a bitch.
He not only blocked Facebook and Friendster, but also Imeem.
Hello, is it a crime for wanting to listen to music?
Fuck off, bastard.
I've beared with you and that bitch for invading my privacy and taking my laptop away without my permission.
You've tampered with my laptop and installed so many fucking restrictions, and you think you're right?
What the fuck is wrong with parents nowadays?
So desperate to find out what their kids are doing?
Just ask, idiot.
God gave us a mouth and your ability of speech to talk, not just to eat and scold.
You just made me hate you.
So what if you bought me the F1 cap, PSP, laptop, watch and all those lavish meals?
I can return them all to you, as if I can't live without them, chucks.
Even my bitch mother is repenting on her mistake,
but are you?
You blocked out all my social networking sites,
hello? I'm unlike your anti-social children, I hve many friends.
And why do you have to even bother about the friends I make in the first place?
You're just another man my mom hitched besides my late Father.
So actually, I don't hve to give a fuck on how you think about me and how you feel.
You hve no rights to interfere in my personal life, so please.
Just fuck off.
I don't need you.
It's my mom who needs some bastard like you, not me.

Sorry people.
Won't be able to blog for some time, please bear with me.
And stepfathers come in many types, and mine is the fucking busybody type.
Go be auntie la, you confirm own one, son of a bitch.
URGH so angry.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Whenever I listen to Ne-yo's Miss Independent and Shontelle's T-Shirt, they'll remind me of you.

Not because of the lyrics, but for the fact that these two songs sorta connected us in some way or another.

We used to talk on the phone, and my computer would always be playing the former song. I was very in love with it, and you heard it through the call. On the next study trip, you have it in your phone! I was happy, to know that you appreciate this song as well.

And Shontelle's T-shirt, we were at the library together. You were teaching me math, but my attention span was really short and I ended up exploring your phone. You said your brother got the song and put it into your phone, and it was spelled as 'Shantelle' instead of 'Shontelle'. I edited it for you, and now this action is somehow etched in my mind, as if acting as a memory of trace in which I have left in your life.

It might all seem so minor, so unimportant to you, but to me, it means everything.

I miss those moments.

Yet we're now nothing but strangers.

Thank you for the memories, for they will forever be marked in my memory as something beautiful.
And when I say forever, I mean it. Till I'm old, till I die.

I don't believe in eternal love, or "I will love you forever", that is so unrealistic.

But this is a piece of memory that I will always cherish.
And if the Pensieve in Harry Potter existed, I would store them, keep it safe and away from the risks of being erased.

I just hope my presence didn't marred your memory of me.

Songs and rhythms remind me of you, of how we were like once before.