Friday, December 5, 2008


Just came back from China.

Took the most number of photos in my lifetime: 352.

And that's exclusive of those I took with my teammates' and Mrs Mok's camera.

Heh heh heh.

Lazy to upload, especially with Blogger's hocked up picture uploader.

It was quite fun actually, the training wasn't as tough as expected.

It was pretty slack actually.

Although I don't think I gained much in skills,

but I certainly gained alot from my team.

To my 'eat microphone grow up one' Wenny:

I still remember when we were in Sec 1, I would ask you out and play badminton near your house, we were closer then. Things had changed much, you have become more cheerful, more loud, more determined in the things you do, and definitely more siao. :D Although your du lan face on court really scares me sometimes, as least it had somehow became a trademark of you, and of course something I'll use to remember you, heh! Stay strong ah wen zi! :D

To my airen Chialili:

Throughout these 3 years in HYVB we were never that close until now. Like Wenny, you're loud and funny and cheerful, love to laugh out loud and you never really cared how others think of you. I admire your I-don't-care character and in recent months I found out we can actually have alot to talk about. You're surrounded by friends most of the time so it's pretty hard to have a one-to-one conversation with you. Although you'd left, you'll always be a part of HYVB Sec 3 Cohort 2008. And not forgetting out Hotpot Culture date, must be as hiao as possible if not when school reopen there'll be no more chances alr. Heh :D

To my fengyan Meifen/Kaiyi:

We weren't very close either, maybe because our character can't click, I dunno, but during this China Trip I really got to know you more. You weren't that kinda person who would come out to me and talk to me, yet during the temple visit you were joking around with me, we were laughing together, and we took group photos together, side by side, and I would always remember your "HA!" when you swung your hands over my shoulders. I do cherish these moments because there are hard to come by. Even a simple "Ni OK ma?" from you do touches my heart. Thank you mui fan, that's what I always called you, if you noticed. :)

To my gaomei Bobo:

The time that really drawn us closer was the Asian Volleyball Boys Competition. You were crazily in love with MS Lee and I were, in CK Lei. We shared our crazy moments, how we talked to them on MSN, screamed in joy when they replied and complained in anger when they ignored us. You used to be very happy and cheerful, doing crazy things and not caring how others see you. Although it's obvious you have something in your heart nowadays and appeared more dull, I just hope you'll cheer up and know that, no matter what happens, we'll stand by you and help you. We're a team! :D

To my roommate 'ja niao' Janelle:

You this hands long legs long girl! Heh. We also got closer during this year. I realized you were quite a high girl despite your decent appearance. Ha! All those crazy times in China when you refused to budge from the TV because of the super-interesting (?) drama serials that you've already watched so many times, the times when you fell asleep while watching TV, the times when we shopped together with hands hooked onto mine. Through these hard-to-come-by times, I understood you so much more than I ever had.

To my Kohkoh Crunch Kohser:

We were from the same primary school, so there wasn't unfamiliarity between us. However, we were in different classes, and we went on with new friends and a new life. Nonetheless, we were back in the same CCA like we did in JPS. :D You're like many of our teammates, loud and happy. You have this happy-go-lucky character that makes the people around you feel that there's nothing in this world that's bad enough to bring down your whole life. Your laughter, like the pulse of our morale, and it just cheers people up. Thank you KohKoh! :D

To my ai mei li Emily:

You're so busy with Council that we hardly see you anymore. The only time I really had a chance to talk to you was during training, and now it's gone. It's been quite some time since I've talked to you, and you know I don't really enjoy turning up for meetings and such... But yeah. I recall the times we played crazy games during training, like butt-slapping (!) with everyone and your occasional hugs. :) Hopefully the Sec 1 OC will bring us closer again.

To my ah meng Hui Ming:

Pink Panther. :) I used to feel closest to you in the team, maybe because we were both quite quiet at times. After you left the team, I felt kinda lost, as if I've lost something close to me. I've pulled through, and to see now you're the VP of the Council, it doesn't really appeal to me 'cause HYVB has always been my first priority, and I know it'll be hard to drag you out of this commitment to the Council ever since then. You'll be too busy; you have Biology, Council, and volleyball might just be too tiring for you. I guess the team understands, and no matter what, you'll always be part of us, part of HYVB. :)

It's been almost 3 years now, and it's our last time playing as a team. My babes in HYVB, let's stick together and give it our best shot, for this is what our 3 years of effort, of hard work, of sweat, of blood, of tears, and of joy, had been for. Don't let it go to waste. I LOVE YOU ALL! :D










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