Friday, October 17, 2008


Results are back. As expected, I've failed my Double Maths and Combined Sciences. But my Geography was so terribly done, I'm so disappointed in myself. Scored a mere 25/50 for Paper 1 and 32/50 for Paper 2. Fuck. You might say I did not study, whatever. But I did okay. Did notes on the 5 Causes, 6 Problems and 4 Policies of Deforestation in Kalimantan till I wna vomit a whole forest yet this is what I scored. Fine. I'll do better next year. I must get an A, I must.

Here are my results for written papers only:

ENGLISH - Paper 1: 40/60 Paper 2: 29.5/50 Total: 69.5/110

HCL - Paper 1: 57/90 Paper 2: 54/110 Total: 111/200 ROFL

E MATHS - Paper 1: 20/60 Paper 2: 21/80 Total: 41/140 HAHAHA

A MATHS - 31/80 Better than expected :D

SCI (PHY) - 35/70 I passed! Surprisingly...

SCI (CHEM) - 12/50 Not inclusive of MCQ.

HUMANS (SS) - 29/50

HUMANS (HIST) - 26/50

GEOGRAPHY - Paper 1: 25/50 Paper 2: 32/50 WTF.

So overall, I'm thankful I'm not retained. I was shivering when I asked Mrs Chia if I'm in the safe zone. And I didn't expect myself to pass History, as I wasn't even paying attention to Ms. LWF's lessons and neither did I study. As for SS, wrote quite alot but all outta point -.- Still, I managed to pass. And Chemistry, I totally give up, yay! Slept during the paper. But I managed to scrape a pass in Physics! However, I can ensure I'll fail my overall Combi. Science because of my terrible Chemistry and all the horrific CA Marks.

And would you look at my HCL marks! 111/200. My mom's gonna kill me. "I EXPECT YOU TO EXCEL IN YOUR CHINESE AS ALWAYS, WHAT HAPPENED!? YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE EFFORT TO READ MORE CHINESE NOVELS!" Lol, she didn't say that, yet. She doesn't know the results are already back, so I'll just continue to feign ignorance and pretend nothing has happened, yay! And for the letter writing, I wrote so much yet the teacher gave me only 12/20. WTF. Anyway, I don't count HCL as a subject. It's just Chinese. Don't care. :)

My English did best this time round, although the marks are still very saddening. However, I found the teacher who marked our P.1 very lenient. As I said, I wrote an argumentative essay without knowing it's one, yet she didn't penalize me. Got 18/30. Also, my situational writing, it was supposed to be written to the MOE Selection Board, yet I wrote to the person-in-charge of the course I've chosen. She didn't penalize me as well, and gosh I got 22/30 for that section. And I think it was Dr who marked our paper? I dunno... But my P.2 was like ______? Why did the passage had to be so boring in the first place anyway?

I don't know what to say to them, but I'm worried. She's faking a happy front, he's too calm. The fact that we can't be as a class anymore is the kinda thing we would least want it to happen, but it just... happened. As friends, we dunno what to say to provide a form of comfort. I will not tell you it's gonna be okay, 'cause it certainly isn't. Neither would I say cheer up, it'll be stupid to say so. Put myself in your shoes, yes I do feel how you feel. No matter what, know that the class will always be behind you both and supporting you. Do not give up, for we still, and always will have faith in you. You can do it. We will always be 3E2.


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