Saturday, December 13, 2008

Oh my God the teacher is so cute lol.
Ok no link.

Had my tuition at Just Mathematics today, or should I say yesterday since it's already past midnight, and it turned out not bad. Maybe because I've learnt all the sums and formulas before that's why I found it quite manageable. Heh :D And from what I heard, my teacher was supposed to be a female, but it was a man. A young one, and he looks really good. I'm not being man-crazy and drooling over them now, but just praising him for he really have a beautiful shell. As for the insides, I dunno, but from how he teaches and all I guess he's okay.
Don't judge a book by its cover, or whatever you say. Ha :D
Anyway I don't think he'll be still there teaching on the next lesson. And the class was so dead, only 7 of us including me. And there were only 2 girls, including me. Lol even the guys were quiet except for 2 dumb asses sitting beside me who couldn't stop talking.

Caught The Alps at the Omni-Theatre with Jingxuan today. It was pretty good, the scenery and everything. It'll be a bliss if I get to go to Switzerland next time. :) After that, lunched at Macs and we went down to Jurong Spring as JX needed to pass something to some I-dunno girl there and guess who I saw: Wenny and Chialili! *must act excited*
and also Queenie Eugene and Shawn.
CHEONG JING WEN YOU SEE I MENTIONED YOU!!! but you never mentioned me waliao sadded can. :(

And Chialili haven't ask me out for Hotpot Culture. :(
F you hahaha
We'll be going as a team anyw so yeah. Yay team outing :D

Won't be attending lesson next Friday as I'll be at camp. Sianxzxzxz if the teacher is still teaching my class then I would be sososo glad to attend. Heh :D
A pretty face definitely aids my brain juices into working harder than usual HAHAHA
Just kidding

Changed my blog song again cause I found the last one too emo
Sorry James!
I still love your "You Make It Real"! :)

although the plane is taking off on Saturday I think.
The time difference is kinda huge
Singapore is 7 hours ahead of Spain -.-
When I eating breakfast he sleeping.
When I sleeping he shopping.
Lol it rhymes!
Ok I wish for a safe return of you Prime! :D


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